The Compassion of God

“This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.”

Lamentations 3:21-23

      It can be difficult to find anyone or anything we can count on in the world around us today.  Even before the pandemic struck, we saw that the stock market may be high today and then crash tomorrow.  Our job may offer a promotion this week and then lay us off next week.  Even a good friend may desert us in a time of need.

      Our great God offers a message of encouragement, reminding us in the passage above that we can have a confident hope in His faithfulness!

First, we can see God’s protection mentioned above.  God’s protects us from destruction with his mercy and loving kindness.  It is the Lord God whom we can trust for our daily protection and needs.  He never fails!

Second, we see that God’s compassion is described as never failing.  In Psalm 55, King David laments that a close friend of his had abused his trust and become an enemy.  He goes on, however, to say that he can rely on God because He saves him!

Third, we see the specific reminder above that God is as faithful as the morning sun.  We can count on His protection, compassion, and mercy even more than we can that the sun will come up tomorrow.  Those mercies are new and refreshed each day.

We can praise God today that He is completely worthy of our trust.  No matter what new virus may change our lives, what the economy may do, what may happen at work, or how a friend may act, we truly serve a great and perfect faithful God!