
“Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.”

Luke 2:15

     Let us now go even unto Bethlehem; those words uttered by the shepherds over two millennia ago still provide great advice to each person today.

Bethlehem is the foundation of all hope in the world.  It is the only place where “peace and good will to men” can truly be found.  Other leaders and politicians may make promises, but only the baby born in Bethlehem can deliver.

Not only does this birth promise a future peace, it also makes available a spiritual peace.  Our age is one of turmoil and anguish caused by sin.  The prince of peace offers eternal security to all who will accept it.

This Christmas season provides a reminder of the great opportunity available to everyone who will put his faith in that baby whose birth we celebrate on December 25.  Jesus Christ is the answer to the problems of the world and those of each person living here!

Let us each turn our eyes toward Bethlehem, and even more importantly, to Jesus Christ and His free gift of salvation and peace!

Operation Christmas Child Report

We are excited to announce that LCA was able to send approximately 80 shoeboxes off to needy children around the world through the ministry of Operation Christmas Child.  These children will also be presented with the message of salvation along with their gifts.  Please be in prayer for the young people who will be receiving these shoeboxes in the coming months.  Thank you for your support and giving!

Christmas Break – LCA Closed

LCA will be closed from Monday, December 24, through Friday, January 4, for Christmas Break.  This break is longer than some of our local public school districts, and our office will also be closed during this time.  Classes will resume on a regular schedule on Monday, January 7.

We appreciate the support of our families in scheduling trips over the regular vacation times so that their children do not miss classes.  Being sure your child is in class every day is a great way to support academic success!

Emergency Closings Information

Winter made an early appearance this year!  LCA will close or delay opening when the roads are unusually dangerous in the morning.  LCA may also take the unusual step of dismissing early if an unexpected storm comes in and the roads appear to be getting worse in the afternoon.

Our school will generally follow the schedule of the North Colonie School District since they have more information available to them than we do.  From time to time, however, we may do something different.  We encourage you to monitor local media for our school specifically.  When we need to change our schedule, we will send an email to all families and notify local media.  Most area TV stations will carry this information on the air and online.  One site we recommend is WNYT Channel 13:  You can even download their app to your phone and receive notifications whenever LCA posts a schedule change.

LCA also provides a voice phone call for school closings and major schedule changes.  You will need to sign up for this service, even if you have received these notifications in the past.  To help make this service affordable, we do limit this to one phone number per family.  Most phone calls are generated early in the morning (generally between 5 AM and 6:15 AM.)  If you would like to receive this phone call, please complete the form on our website:

Special Christmas Programs

I trust you will make plans even now to be here yourself and invite friends and family to be here for our special Christmas programs coming up in December.  The children are working very hard to prepare music and drama, and they love seeing their family’s faces in the auditorium.

K3 and K5 Program: Thursday, December 13

Elementary Program: Tuesday, December 18

If you have any questions about these programs, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher.  Both programs will begin at 7:00 PM and be held in our church auditorium.

Senior Spotlight – Trinity Williams

Latham Christian Academy is privileged to have nine graduating seniors during the 2018 – 2019 school year.  Several members of the Class of 2019 have attended LCA for a long time, and they have all become good friends during their time here.  We will be highlighting one of the seniors each month in an article published in our Knightline newsletter.  We begin this week with senior Trinity Williams.

Trinity Williams is one of the newest members of LCA’s Class of 2019, enrolling just last year in 11th grade.  Trinity had attended schools in Watervliet since kindergarten before coming to LCA.

Trinity’s family was certainly familiar with our school, however, as her mother attended this school for high school and a friend at her church had also graduated from LCA.

Trinity’s mother was born in Stillwater and raised in Latham.  She attended Hudson Valley Community College before Trinity was born.  She studied psychology and now cares for a special-needs boy in their church.

Trinity’s father grew up “all over the United States,” according to Trinity.  He has family today in Kansas where he would love to go live again.  Trinity’s dad works in management at Adirondack Beverage in Scotia.

Trinity was born in 2001 at St. Peter’s in Albany.  When she was first born, her family (along with her Mima and Papa) lived in Lansingburgh.  They moved to Latham while Trinity was still a baby, moving in with Trinity’s grandmother and her uncle’s family, including a pit bull dog!  When Trinity was in kindergarten, the family moved to Watervliet.

Trinity’s parents met in a Stewart’s while her mother was working there.  Trinity’s mother caught her father’s eye and he sent one of his daughters up to the counter to ask if she had a boyfriend!  All of these years later, the two are still together after starting out in a Stewart’s.

Trinity has a full family.  Her oldest sister Cassie is 23 and lives in Watervliet where she will be starting work in a nursing home.  Next comes Cara who is 22 and also lives in Watervliet as she studied social work at Siena.  Trinity’s sister Jozlyn is 21 and lives in Waterford where she works as a waitress.  Trinity has one younger sister, Evamae, who is 11 and a student at Watervliet Elementary School.

Trinity’s dog Tinker is a key part of the family as well.  Trinity describes her dog as “so ugly, she’s cute!”  A deer head Chihuahua, Tinker is described as having a bald spot near her collar and down her back and a double chin.

Trinity and her family attend Harvest Church in Halfmoon.  Trinity, who has been at this church since she was a baby, has been recognized for her faithfulness in Sunday school.  She is now involved as a helper in her Sunday school program.  She and several of her friends also sing for children’s services and Christmas services.

Trinity enjoys working with children, investing time over the summers with the JC Club, a program of the Albany Victory Church which attempts to meet the basic needs of under-privileged children in the city of Albany by serving meals and providing an after-school program for them.

Trinity hopes to continue this work as she plans to major in Early Childhood Education.  She is still praying about which college or university to attend.

Trinity claims two Scripture verses as especially important to her.  1 John 4:19 says, “We love Him because He first loved us,” and James 1:2-3 tell us, “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.”

Upcoming Events

Dec. 3-7 – Hour of Code Program (Grades 3-8)

Dec. 5 – Progress Reports Issued (Grades 7-12)

Dec. 6 – Senior Lunch – Sloppy Joes

Dec. 12 – Secondary Ensemble Caroling

Dec. 13 – Senior Lunch – Hot Dogs

Dec. 13 – 7:00 PM – K3/K5 Christmas Program

Dec. 18 – 7:00 PM – Elem/HS Christmas Program

Dec. 20 – Senior Lunch – Chicken Strips

Dec. 21 – 9:30 AM – All-School Christmas Chapel