Spring Concert

One of the highlights of LCA’s program each May is our Spring Concert full of singing, instruments, Bible reading, and poetry.  Because COVID protocols continue to restrict these types of assemblies, however, we will present a special type of virtual concert this year.

Starting the first week of May, we will be recording the classes’ performances.  We will then present them in a special premier on YouTube on Thursday, May 13, at 7:00 PM.  Although the recording will be available after May 13, we encourage as many families as possible to watch the premier that evening “live” and join in the YouTube chat in congratulating each student and class.

We hope that this will be the final program we will be required to present in a virtual format.  Starting with our end-of-year awards and programs, we plan to hold in-person events within the coronavirus protocols.  Watch for more information on all of these events.