
“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”

Genesis 12:3

      So many world events seem to center on the tiny nation of Israel that it may be hard to remember how small and vulnerable it really is. Scripture focuses intensely on Israel as well, and so should we.  The Bible provides several ways we should pray faithfully for this critical country in world affairs.

      First, we should pray for the peace of Jerusalem.  Psalm 122 gives this command along with the promise of blessing to those who do so.  We should pray for peace within the walls and prosperity for the leadership of the country.

Second, we should pray for Israel to recognize and accept their Messiah, Jesus Christ.  While many Jews have accepted Jesus as their Savior, many have continued to reject Him and await another.  The prophecies of Isaiah 53 and many other Scriptures were fulfilled when Jesus lived, died, and resurrected nearly 2,000 years ago.

Third, we should pray for Israel to be united.  Joel 3 gives the promise of unity one day.  With three world religions claiming Jerusalem as a holy city, this request may seem nearly impossible.  We can be grateful that God has promised to accomplish this when He rules and reigns from this city one day.

Fourth, we should pray for the United States to honor Israel.  In this political season, the small nation of Israel seems to get kicked around to score points for one side or the other.  The verse quoted above promises that God will honor those who honor His people.  We must never let our political leaders forget this important promise.

Five years ago, Mr. Fry and Mrs. Parker were able to travel to Israel with a group from our church.  As we walked in the footsteps of our Savior there, we were impressed with the importance of all Christians to pray faithfully for God to work in this crossroads of a nation.