Honor and Obey

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.”

Ephesians 6:1-3

      In our high school chapel this morning, our students considered these verses and looked at the example of Abraham’s son Ishmael who did not honor his father but chose to live a life of rebellion instead.

      What did Ishmael’s rebellion look like?  According to author Jeff Farnham, Ishmael was known for being disagreeable, being disorderly, full of disapproval from others, and dwelling where he should not.

Wise and obedient children will be like the sons of Rechab in Jeremiah 35 or Esther as they obey and honor their parents.

Why should a child learn to honor and obey their parents?  Of course, we are commanded to do so by a God who loves us and knows us better than anyone else.  His Word also contains a special promise, however.

Children (and adults, for that matter) who honor and obey their parents are promised that they will “live well” and “live still.”  Obedient children will be honored during their lives with happier, healthier lives, but they also will be honored after their lives with the memory of someone who did what is right.

This basic lesson of obeying and honoring our parents is one we teach from the time our children are very young, yet it is also a lesson all of us need to be reminded of regularly.

God promises great blessing to the obedient!  God promises great blessing to those who honor the authority He places in our lives!